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Final Year Project

"Research, learning development and comparing how Behaviour Trees and Finite State-machines can create AI agents in the Unity engine, while comparing their efficiency and realism.​"

Over my first two years at university my interest in AI for games was growing rapidly, this inspired me to base my final project around this topic. I decided to compare an AI method which i was familiar with (Finite State-Machines), to one which i new nothing about (Behaviour Trees), this meant i could learn a new technique and find out which one i preferred.


In this project i compared both methods efficiency, reliability & realism within the Unity Game Engine, the biggest challenge for me was learning the new AI technique and implementing it with the same functionality as the FSM, this led to many technical challenges which i overcame and it ended up providing me with extremely useful results.

Use the button below to find access the repository of this project, you can also download the entire thing and test it yourself!

Download the full Documentation of the Project & the Project Presentation below!



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