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First Day

Platform: PC / Xbox Controls

Theme: Fast-Paced Puzzle / Strategy

Time Frame: 48 Hours

My Role: Group Project - AI Programmer, Artist, Testing & Bug Fixing

Engine: Unity

Language: C#

Every year Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge host the UK's largest international student games jam called Brains Eden. This year (2019) was my second time attending the event representing my university. The theme for this years jam was 'Chain Reaction', once this was announced we had 48 hours to plan, develop and produce a finished game.

The Game

With the theme announced we decided to do some brain storming individually and then would pitch our ideas to the rest of the group, then we would vote on our favourite idea. Our idea sprouted from the idea that crying is contagious especially among kids.

You play as the new kid at school and you have to make as many friends as you can during playtime, other kids will request items in which you need to collect, if you are not quick enough or give them the wrong item, they will cry, and this crying will spread to other children, who will soon after leave the playground.

With this we had a way that players would be competing to kills more enemies, but they both had to work together to defend the base.

My Role

To begin with i was in charge of directing how the game was going to look and the style we would take with it, i decided to go with an orthographic camera view with low poly models as we were all programmers we needed to keep it simple. 

Later i was designated by the team to work on the AI script which had been partially set up, i was responsible for making sure the existing functionality worked and then adding on to that so the AI and player could do more.

I was also responsible for making and scripting all of the button prompts above the player as well as the images which appear above the AI.

I also worked on the game controller and helped test, balance and make the game play a lot smoother.


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