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Platform: PC / Xbox Controllers (twin-stick shooter)

Theme: Arcade Bullet Hell / Co-op & PVP

Time Frame: 48 Hours

My Role: Group Project - AI & Mechanics Programmer

Engine: Unity

Language: C#

Every year Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge host the UK's largest international student games jam. 2018 would be the 10th Brains Eden jam and myself along with others from my course were lucky enough to get a spot as a team in one of the 35 places available. At the start of the 48 hours the theme of the jam is announced and we then have that time to design, plan and create a finished game.

The Game

The theme for this particular jam was 'Unreliable', so we began to think about how games had bugs so were already pretty unreliable. We quickly came up with the idea of Glitches, these would be randomly chosen events which would happen on a random timer in the game, for example a players gun jam, or they would get extra life points, or a instant better weapon etc... 

After that was out of the way we began deciding what our game would be, we wanted an element of co-op but also make it competitive, the way we achieved this was: 

  • If a player kills an enemy, they gain point.

  • If a player is hit by an enemy, they lose points.

  • If an enemy gets to the base in the middle, the base will lose HP.

  • If the HP reaches 0, the game ends and both players lose.

With this we had a way that players would be competing to kills more enemies, but they both had to work together to defend the base.

My Role

My role in this jam toward the start was to create the AI that we would be using in our game, I created two types, both of which used NavMesh which i taught myself how to use in the first few hours of creating.

One enemy type would chase the player, one would go for the base. Other things i helped with was creating the Particles for the players and enemies/deaths. The concept and implementation of some of the weapons, and level design relating to how the NavMesh would work with it.


Mar 14 2019 12_48 AM
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